Baby development courses

0-3 months

What happens after birth, when the baby comes home? How can I soothe my baby? How to deal with sleeping? What’s the best way of carrying my baby? There are so many products, which one to choose?

A baby comes into the world after a 40-week life in the womb: a secure, warm and holding environment. Unlike animals, the development of human beings does not end at birth. Some systems go through a substantial change (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory), while others (neural) continue their development in the outside world. Hence the importance of the first years of the life of the baby…

In their encounter with the outside world, babies look for an environment providing the same feelings as the womb. Correspondingly, the objective of the first months of life is the establishment of basic trust through the mother’s provision of an environment in which the baby feels secure, warm, held and loved. This, in turn, enables a gradual transition from the womb to the outside world.

Sense of security

First and foremost, our focus is on creating a sense of security for the newborn. It might be trivial, but it is worth explicitly mentioning that holding your baby helps him/her to feel safe, secure and loved. There are different ways of holding a baby. At our workshop, we discuss the pros and cons of various ways and give you insight into the importance of the cradling position. We address different reflexes that are at play in this stage of development and their influence on the security/anxiety of the baby.

Parental anxiety

Parental anxiety is a common feeling accompanying the birth of a child. All parents wish to provide their babies with the best environment so that they reach their fullest potential. This natural drive can become frustrating at times, especially when there are too many different opinions, too many books and theories, and not enough practical tools. Only two generations ago, new parents would have helpers to support them (grandparents and other family members) to pass on their accrued knowledge through generations. In our modern society, not all parents are lucky enough to have such help. So they find themselves alone at home and insecure. We believe that the best way to tackle this anxiety is to gain confidence. Combining theory with practical exercises establishes and strengthens parental bonding. It alleviates anxiety and enables parents to enjoy each stage of development with their babies.

Further topics

Our courses provide parents with both theoretical and practical aspects of baby development. Our focus is to offer new parents practical tools to interact with their babies in developmentally beneficial ways. At our Baby Comes Home course, we touch upon:

  • How to soothe my baby?
  • How to carry my baby?
  • Colicky babies
  • What is the appropriate level of external stimulation?
  • What baby accessories should we use, and when?
  • Which sort of communication do babies need at this stage?

Are you interested in knowing more? Click below to join a course. We are excited to meet you and your little bundle of joy.

Booking and availability

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Baby development courses

3-6 months

My baby does not like being on the tummy. Is this ok? Help! I have a colicky baby!! What are the appropriate sensory play exercises? How can I support my baby’s development at this stage? What are the different reflexes and their respective roles?

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Baby development courses

6-9 months

How can I playfully stimulate my baby's senses? When my baby will crawl? My baby is crawling backwards. What does this mean? How can I communicate with my baby? My baby skipped crawling: what should I do?

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Baby development courses

9-12 months

My baby skipped crawling and is now standing. What does this mean? When can I introduce solid food? What is an optimal eating routine? My baby is scared of unfamiliar people. Is this ok? What’s next?

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