Baby development courses

3-6 months

My baby does not like being on the tummy. Is this ok? Help! I have a colicky baby!! What are the appropriate sensory play exercises? How can I support my baby’s development at this stage? What are the different reflexes and their respective roles?

Babies’ development and milestones according to First-Step Method. The inbuilt genetic code ensures a gradual and natural emergence of the balance-related reflex system. However, this doe not mean that there is no more room for support. Appropriate stimulus coming from the baby’s environment (parents, caregivers) triggers further brain wiring. Moreover, it forestalls clinging to the primitive reflex system longer than needed.

How can we provide the appropriate stimulus for our babies?

Get a list of practical exercises generating the right stimulus for infant development. We give you the theoretical basis of these exercises and answer your questions. Our exercises entail a play-like quality: parents providing stimulus and babies reacting.

Tummy time

Tummy time is a crucial position for babies between 0 to 6 months to practice. Lying on the tummy can be tricky and uncomfortable for some babies and provoke parents' anxiety. Baby courses can make a difference. Tummy time is a key developmental step. We wish your baby to enjoy it without this becoming a frustrating exercise for you! A series of exercises that the First-Step Method developed works with difficulties created after lying on the back for too long; they aim at helping babies to enjoy tummy-time, to raise the head gradually and naturally.


When do babies roll over? Another milestone of the 3 to 6 months age is learning to roll. This happens if the baby has already acquired the necessary infrastructure/basis. Do you know what is necessary for a baby to turn around his/her axis? Once more, we demonstrate the theory with practice to ensure an understanding which is not merely theoretical but also experience-based.

Stomach slithering

Although little known, stomach slithering is a step that babies undertake towards the end of this stage. This move prepares the foundation for crawling on hands and knees, standing and walking. How a baby lies, stretches out her arms, brings objects to her mouth and rolls over… All these are aspects that prepare the ground for slithering on the stomach. Encouraging this movement - particularly not skipping it!- will facilitate the development of the next ones.


The centrality of communication in child development is a widely known phenomenon. Communication is indeed trivial when it is verbal. However, so much can be communicated without words. The slightest change in a mother’s facial expression carries an incredible amount of information for her baby. So the pre-verbal period does not mean an absence of communication, especially when verbal communication is not the only way. There are various ways of communication. Consider them all as your baby starts observing the outside world. Hence, it is crucial to communicate through touch, mimicry, movement, gestures, voice and feelings. For us, it is important to inform parents about the centrality of early and diverse communication. Accordingly, in our 3 to 6 months course, we not only support you in different ways of communication but also give you insight into their respective role in the development.

In our rollover course, we discuss all the above-mentioned points and more. We conduct our lessons in a friendly atmosphere. We understand your concerns supporting your baby’s development and facilitating a gentle process, are our primary objectives. They can only happen in a warm and informal environment.

Are you interested in knowing more? Click below to join a course. We are excited to meet you and your little bundle of joy.

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Baby development courses

0-3 months

What happens after birth, when the baby comes home? How can I soothe my baby? How to deal with sleeping? What’s the best way of carrying my baby? There are so many products, which one to choose?

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Baby development courses

6-9 months

How can I playfully stimulate my baby's senses? When my baby will crawl? My baby is crawling backwards. What does this mean? How can I communicate with my baby? My baby skipped crawling: what should I do?

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Baby development courses

9-12 months

My baby skipped crawling and is now standing. What does this mean? When can I introduce solid food? What is an optimal eating routine? My baby is scared of unfamiliar people. Is this ok? What’s next?

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